Our greatest ability as humans is not to change the world, but to change ourselves~ Gandhi Quotes
Everyday we need some kind of motivation to stay positive in our life. But it’s always not easy to stay positive because life is tough and we sometimes lose the energy to fight with the situation. But everyday we have to go with the flow and enjoy every day of our lives whether good or bad.
We also face many hurdles or challenges every day in this journey, some are meant to teach lessons while some are only meant to fail us. But after all these challenges we turn back and start our journey all again. Everyday we also face many people who are not good to us, who always try to make us feel neglected, who are jealous of our success, they are not fighting to achieve, they only criticise our failure.
This world is full of such people, that’s why one quote of Gandhiji, “Our greatest ability as humans is not to change the world, but to change ourselves” rightly justifies our situation. We are human beings, we have every ability but the strongest we have is to change critical things.
But as humans we don’t need to change the entire world because the world starts with us and ends with us. So if we need change then we first need to change ourselve. We have many negative things in ourselve so if start turning those negative things into positive then we might have a world where everything will be good.
If we start from the crash then we will achieve the good thing in the most unexpected way. This world needs more goodness than a little badness. Gandhi struggled his whole life to make this world a great place to live in. He even tried to change those Britishers by his positive thoughts.
Gandhiji tried every possible thing to make the people change so that the world would be a better place to sustain. And I think somehow he is successful, because we have little empathy in us then it’s our duty to use the empathy and be a kind person.