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Knowledge should be gained through experience

We always want to achieve more and more knowledge to feel superior in front of others. But we often make mistakes on how to achieve this knowledge. We read books to gather as much knowledge as possible but the real knowledge is achieved only through your experiences.

The higher the experience level, the higher is your knowledge power. The knowledge you achieved through your experience cannot be experienced with any book or noble. A person who has travelled the whole world has more knowledge than a person who has read only a book about the whole world.

The person who has travelled the world has not only travelled to a particular state or country but also he was connected with many people, their knowledge, their customs, their traditions, which a book cannot give. A book can give you minimal knowledge but it is vast out of the book, you cannot travel a whole world in a day but you can finish a whole book in a day.

Yes, you should read a book because it is also important but feeling superior after reading a book is not good, because a person having no degree might have more knowledge than a person having many degrees. So underestimating anyone after reading a book is not applicable.

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